Tea & Stillness

A Herbal Workshop and Fundraiser

A cup of tea, brewed and taken with intention, is medicine for the soul and body that can touch us deeply. It’s an elemental reminder of our connection to the land that holds us.

In this workshop, we’ll taste, smell and learn the benefits of various herbs, and look at ideas around crafting delicious, well-balanced tea blends that ease the mind, heal the gut and nourish the nerves.

You’ll take home your own self-care tea blend made from herbs that you choose. All materials will be provided.

*This event is a fundraiser, in honour of Leslie Keating, ND, a former, well-loved practitioner at We Thrive and a former student in my Experiential Herbalism program. Proceeds go towards a scholarship for the  Experiential Herbalism Program to help others participate in this well-loved herbal intensive.

Sat, Feb 1 | 1:00 – 3:00pm
We Thrive Wellness Centre
161 Front St | Downtown Belleville
Personal Investment (sliding scale) $40 | $50 | $60 (+HST)