Rewilding Consults

Thinking about landscaping with herbs?

Considering the idea of re-wilding?

Hoping to restore land to more balanced health?

Looking for ideas around harmonious land stewardship?

Wondering about the wild edibles and medicinals already growing on your land? (I'll bet there are lots!)


You might be interested in a land use consultation. 

This involves contacting me to let me know what your needs/interests are with regards to natural land use.  Then we can plan a site visit...


I will come out to your land to see which plants are already growing there and note details on the ecology and micro-climate.  Then I will make suggestions on ways to work with the land in a mutually harmonious way, so that both you and the land can support and each other in wellness.

For more information, or to book a land use consult, please CONTACT ME


$200/2 hrs 

This applies to land within the Quinte Area.  For other locations, please contact me to determine distance costs.